Friday, 16 December 2016

Evaluation Question 1

Evaluation Question 2

Heres the link to Evaluation Question 2:

Evaluation Question 3

Evaluation Question 4

Friday, 2 December 2016

DRAFT Evaluation Question 1

DRAFT Evaluation question 2

DRAFT Evaluation 3 *Not complete*

DRAFT Evaluation Question 4

Evaluation Draft 4

Evaluation Draft 3

Evaluation Draft 2

Evaluation Draft 1

Friday, 18 November 2016

Editing Update

  • Editing has gone very well and the video has come together very well. 
  • We have produced 2 videos. 
  • One with lyrics and one without. 
  • Links to the video on YouTube will be provided shortly. 
  • We will just about be reaching the deadline.

Filming Update

We have all clips filmed, we just need to get them all together in the edit. We are really pleased with the shots we have taken and we believe that when put together it will be at a good standard.

Friday, 4 November 2016

Final Magazine Advert

Final Magazine Advert Poster


This week we have utilized lesson time and our own free time to edit what clips we have already filmed for the music video. We have also made all corrections to the digipak based on peer and teacher feedback and have handed in hard copies before the deadline expires. We are filming the remainder of the clips on Saturday and all off next weeks lessons and free time will go into editing what we have filmed.
This week we have been very productive and got a lot done despite not the most posts this week!

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Front cover ideas

Here are two front covers that I like the look of and they look like what I am trying to go with on my front cover. They have a mundane background which works with their photos and their front covers. The dull background brings out the artist and the feature in the photo which is what I am looking to do, emphasise the artist. For my photos they have a rather boring backgrounds but it works with the theme for the digipak that i am going for.

Here is a front cover from the Dan Croll album 'From Nowhere' I really like the simple but effective look this front cover has. The artist is clear and the pose and general photo is very simple with a blank background. The text also that is used on the front cover is very clear and crisp, i really like the font that is used. I may have to use this font on my front cover and the way the text is laid out, i will definitely look to implement this into my piece.

Feedback Digipak & Poster

Digipak template feedback
Overall my feedback from my peers as well as from my teachers is expected. I made some blatant errors that will need to be recorrected before I submit my final piece. From my peers I learnt that my digipak template will need to include a CD imprint and also a lyric book.

Music poster feedback
Overall on my music poster feedback the reception was very positive but i will need to make a few changes to layout. From my peers i learnt that the image needs to be enlarged in order to kill off dead space.
These corrections will be posted shortly as this will be my final piece including all areas of my digipak completed.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Editing Update

Here are the initial stages of our editing process. It has run relatively smoothly up until this point in time. The only real problem we have come up against is transforming the clips into black & white colour scheme. We plan to add the music and the lyrics over the top of the video at the end when we have most of the clips in place. We are happy with the clips we have at the minute.

Thursday, 27 October 2016


The deadline for the draft music video is due in on the 28th of October an 3:10.

we will sadly not meet the deadline as we have been un able to produce enough clips as the actor we are using has had a problem with getting too us as we have different college half terms and have been on holiday and other problems as he lives in a different county to myself and Jack. We apologise.

We are 100% finishing the filming on Saturday and should have the video fully edited by Wednesday 5th November. The video will be posted by at latest on Wednesday!

Friday, 14 October 2016

Creative Journey - Front Cover

As we can see at the start of the creative journey I started with three photos that i took that i believed were the best for what I wanted to do. They were clear and defined photos that you could see Jack and tell it was him.

So then i looked at album covers with an image of someone on the front. I came across the Jamie T single one and like the use of the dark colours and the white text as it was defined and you could clearly read it.

I then moved onto the Arctic Monkeys album cover and like the black and white effect used on the photo, again they used the white defining text that was clear and stood out. The photo used on the front cover was like the one I am looking to use for my front cover.

Throughout the rest of the creative journey I explore the back back ground and white writing and noted that it was clear to read. I liked this use of white text and thought they i needed to use this on my front cover.

I then came across the cover photo for the single that we were covering for the music video. It is the photo of Aiden Grimshaw with a green floral background. This photo is like most of mine where i have a clear defined artist as the front cover. 

So having looked at the different front covers i have come up with 3 potential front cover that i like and that reflect areas of the journey in them. One of these will be my front cover that i choose to put on my digipak.

Vampire Weekend (Contra) Feedback

Also as an idea when creating many more variations of a cover to pick from, Mr ford told me to take inspiration from Vampire Weekend's Contra as it already had some existing features which had some relevance to my draft cover. Here is what I created;

overall I prefer my original cover but this was a good area to research and did help me overall create a better digipak cover.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Corrections: Music Poster

During my feedback I was also asked to make some alterations to my music poster. I was asked to incorporate a date for release of the album also to include the album name. This lead me to move the website and also the record label logo. making good use of the upper body. Also I have changed the text at the bottom to incorporate a digital element of sale into my advertisement, removing the vinyl aspect.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Corrections: Digipak Template

After my feedback from my teacher I was told to implement a few other features in my template digipak, I have completed these. I am yet to create my lyric book but that will be posted shortly.

I have flipped the text on the spine so it is facing the right way. I have put a record label logo on the spine and also a catalogue number. Also i have made the borders on the front and back of the digipak exactly the same.

Teacher feedback on digipak and advert

This is the feedback that is was given by my teacher on my digipak and music magazine advert. this feedback I will act upon and use the advice given to improve my work to make it the best that it can be.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Cover Ideas: Variations

When producing a CD front cover in the Indie genre a semi popular idea is to utilise many different image styles when creating the cover. This creates a good variation in the product and makes it sort of a collectable if one is printed far less than the others. A sort of special, edition if you will. Some really good examples of this could be found within New orders album cover and Arcade fires. This works very well with new orders as inside of their digipak next to the lyric book were these interchangeable images of each band member to put as the cover of your cd. This brings a personalised element to the CD and allows the consumer to pick their favourite band member and have them on the front. This gives them a choice rather than the artwork being sort of forced upon them per say. This is a good idea for my own cover as I have taken many images that are of high standard that didn’t quite make the cut so the idea would be practical. But in my opinion this sort of idea wont be featured as I believe that it works best with a band or a product featuring more than one person. Therefore will not be using this on my digipak cover. But this was definitely considered when creating my cover.